Thursday, September 27, 2007

Completion of Vittorio and Enzo’s expedition to Rome

Vittorio and Enzo have comleted their gondola expedition to Rome and the Vatican.
They reached their final rowing destination of Ancona on September 14th logging a total of 134 miles in 11 days. They fought against wind and seas. Sometimes it was just Vittorio, but in challenging conditions, Enzo came aboard to lend a hand. The gondola was always accompanied by the Italian Coast Guard when entering and exiting ports.
When he arrived in Ancona, Vittorio was welcomed by city authorities, the manager of the Pediatric Hospital, and the chief of the Coast Guard base in Ancona.
On Friday the 15th, Vittorio hosted the Pediatric Hospital manager for a short trip on his gondola so the children of the hospital could get a close look at a Venetian gondola. The event was filmed by RAI Italian TV network and photographed by several reporters.
Upon arrival at the Vatican, Vittorio had the honor of meeting His Holiness Benedetto XVIand presenting him with the capitello made by Giorgio Affabri. Vittorio also invited the Pope to take a gondola tour with him on his next visit to Venice, reminding him that two previous Popes, Giovanni XXIII and Giovanni Paolo I often used the gondola to move in the town when they were Patriarchs of Venice.
The expedition was a great success and ended just in time for Vittorio and Enzo to pack for New York.

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