Saturday, December 22, 2007

A Christmas card from Minnesota

I just opened my mail today and found a pleasant surprise: a Christmas card from John Kerschbaum of Gondolas on St. Croix in Minnesota. It's not the first year I've received one from John, but this one is different.

As many of you may know, John was part of the Hudson River Expedition which means he was captured on film many times by Nereo Zane. I am a big fan of Nereo's work, and I've mentioned in previous posts, that I have my favorites from the expedition. John just happened to choose my all time favorite photo: the one we've been calling "the Hawaii Five-O shot" - so named because it reminded some people of one of those outrigger canoes riding the surf. It's similar to the current header photo here on the Gondola Blog, but the bow is higher. John was one of the lucky ones rowing on the day of the big rolling swells that made for such great photos.

Merry Christmas John, your Christmas card ROCKS!

John Kerschbaum's website is:

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