Friday, February 1, 2008

14 days til the 14th

photo by Rick Rosen

Well, my friends, February has officially arrived.

If you're in a "Northern Port" it might not mean anything to you, as your gondolas are probably tucked-in for winter.

But if you're in a place where you can operate during Valentine's Day, well, chances are that the Superbowl is not as important to you as getting your gondolas ready for the big rush. In fact, here at Gondola Adventures, Inc., we often refer to "V-Day" as "our Superbowl". We spend lots of time and energy preparing for the "Big Game".

This week I've spent countless hours with a paintbrush, shopvac, or buffer in my hand.

I've pulled out new silver champagne buckets and bundling blankets.

As we have every year, my staff and I are also preparing to launch two or three more gondolas before the rush ensues.

It's a lot of work, and the weather isn't always our friend, but we need to seize the opportunity and rise to the challenge.

So if you're a gondola operator and you are reading this from a "Northern Port", enjoy your V-Day, plan something special with your sweetheart, and think about the rest of us, down south, working tirelessly, all the while hoping it won't rain.

And if you're one of those gondola operators who is preparing for the big day (or week, for that matter), remember that you're not the only one with your hands full. There are many of us...and we're all praying for clear skies.

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