Friday, April 18, 2008

Houston Expedition - the Day in Photos

photos by Elisa Mohr

The Houston Expedition was a success!
Enjoyable at times, and a hard-fought battle at other times.
I'll write a more in-depth report in the days to come, but for now - I'm spent.
Here are some photos that Elisa took along the way with a few captions.

Departing Allen's Landing.

Rowing along one of the more green and lush areas of the Buffalo Bayou.

Making our way along the Ship Channel.

Approaching Brady's Island.

Leaving Brady's Island - bound for "more wind than should be allowed on any piece of water".

Arriving back at Allen's Landing.

A little after-rowing siesta.

Hoisting the gondola back out.

Mission accomplished!


  1. Hi Greg I'm posting these few words just to say that I got you email and I'm happy to see that the new expedition was a success. Please forward my compliments to Elisa too for the good photos. I hope to see you soon.

  2. Grazie caro Amico.
    Your message is very appreciated.
    We wish you could have been here for this one.
    The family sends their warmest wishes to you, Daniela and Martina.
    Tanti saluti.
    Sei un "uomo in gamba".
