Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ina's workspace

My friend Ina Mierig in Hamburg, Germany has a great can-do attitude.
She loves what she does, and makes things happen regardless of the unusual parameters associated with operating a gondola in Germany.
Ina loves boats. There's no question about it, and it's evidenced not only in the condition of her gondola, but in the care and hard work she puts into the many other types of boats she works on - often other people's boats.
Some of the canoes and kayaks she's sent photos of are pristine.
In the above photo, you can see an example of Ina's creativity. She needed a place to work on her gondola "Ursula", during the winter; her solution was to share a portable building with a guy who stores his float-plane until spring.
I'll tell you, every now and then, Ina sends me a photo that either knocks me over or gets me laughing.
Here's another gondola maintenance shot from when the gondola was upside down.

Not too long ago, Ina sent me a DVD of a TV program shot in Hamburg. Ina and her gondola were among the subjects featured. The folks who filmed the show captured Ina's world in such an amazing way. I can't wait until the day I get to visit Hamburg and the waterway where Ina keeps her gondola.


  1. I stumbled across your blog today. I think it's a great idea. I've been rowing for almost 7 years now. Keep it up, I'll be checking back regularly.

  2. Thanks for the comment John - it means a lot when someone writes-in.
    I try to keep a good mix of different things gondola related, although if someone isn't into gondolas - they'll probably find my blog boring or ridiculous. Heck! some of my gondolier friends tell me it's ridiculous!
    If you have a good photo or two from out on the water, send it over and I'll post it up.
    Good rowing to you,
    Gondola Greg
