Saturday, July 12, 2008

Curci Ferro in Monochrome

photo by Rick Rosen
Several years ago I was asked to oversee part of the restoration of the Curci Gondola.

The Curci family, one of Newport's well-known families, has had their beautiful wedding gondola in Newport Harbor since the early 60's.

Maurice Walsh supervised the restoration, and took care of all wood work.
I just got to handle the metal, but it was a great honor, and I'm here to tell you - there's a truck-load of brass on that boat.

It was a challenge, but I learned so much in the process.

The Curci Gondola has a classic aluminum ferro, which had been in the salt air for decades.
I took it to an expert in the area, and got it back in the condition you see above.
It didn't look like a brand new ferro, but then a brand new one would probably look out of place.

On the day I put the ferro back on the gondola, I brought Rick Rosen, a photographer friend of mine along just in case there might be something worth taking a picture of.

Rick is amazing. He studied, and taught under Ansel Adams. He pioneered wedding photojournalism in southern California. Some of the best images I've seen have been Rick's.

You can read more about the Curci ferro and the associated restoration in my post from Jan. 21st of 2008.

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