Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Tree Lot - In Venice

photo by Sean Antonioli

As Christmas approaches, we see the familiar tree lots pop up in every town.

I love Christmas tree lots.
I spent one December, when I was in my 20's, making a little extra cash at a tree lot in Long Beach, California.

For me, the vision of a Christmas tree lot is always alongside a street - not a canal.
But Sean Antonioli found one in Venice when he was living there a few years ago.

This photo's got me imagining what tree lots might look like in other places.

So, what do you think:
How many Venetian tree-buyers leave on foot?
And how many leave by boat?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Greg, just think of what might happen if you try to step in a vaporetto crowded of angry venetians going to work in a rainy day carrying a giant Christmas tree ... and you get your answer. HAHAHAHAHA
