Friday, March 20, 2009

Austin Expedition - Parade Photos

photos by Cassandra Mohr
In early February, Chris Harrison and I rowed in Austin, Texas to benefit the Boy Scouts of America.
On the morning of the following day, The gondola was part of the Boy Scout's "Report to State" parade. We had a bunch of Cub Scouts and their parents in and on the gondola.
I stood on the poppa while my daughter Cassandra went crazy with my camera.
She's really beginning to get the hang of taking pictures - here are a few of the photos taken that morning.

Boy Scout leaders and parade personnel coordinating things as dawn approaches. The Texas state capitol can be seen in the distance.

Columns of vehicles and parade participants line up as start-time draws near.

A view from the poppa.

We were fortunate to be at the very front of the vehicle portion of the procession. The wind was blowing hard and there was a lot of noise from the crowd. In the above shot, I'm trying to communicate with my wife via cell phone as she puts the truck in gear. The guy in the orange vest is the Scoutmaster who's in charge of the whole parade - he's shouting that it's time to move...while the wind is trying to steal his hat.

A press photographer grabs a shot of the boat full of Cubs and parents.

Young Cub Scouts enjoying the ride.

Texas flags fly as the gondola creeps toward the state capitol.

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