Maestro Marcuzzi has brought the pupparin to a point where her lines are much more recognizable.

Among the many idiosyncracies of the pupparin, the raised poppa deck stands out as a cleverly engineered alternative to an otherwise standard in-the-boat rowing area from the sandolo family.
The deck area around the buso is now well-reinforced.
Luigino has also fabricated a floorboard.

Many Venetian boats are built asymmetric.
Without a doubt, the pupparin offers the best view of that unique curve that is such a trademark of the region.
Also, you may notice how the under-deck areas, which were painted sky blue, are now easier to see.
Something I love about construction photos, is that you can see the different types of wood used. Once the boat is painted, it all looks the same, but at this point the various tones are visible.
Thanks once again Nereo!
Greg, what are the prevalent uses of a pupparin?
Like you, I too enjoy seeing the bare wood and how it all goes together.
The lore, as I understand it, is that these boats were originally used as training platforms for young gondoliers-in-training. Sometimes they would take passengers, other times they were treated more as recreational vessels.
In some ways, the boat reminds me of some of the old "gondola da fresca" boats we've seen in museums and photos.
She is essentially a longer version of a sandolo with a raised poppa.
This raised poppa is key, because it creates the right learning environment for someone who wants to master Venetian rowing on a gondola.
Many other uses probably pepper the history of the design, but these days pupparini are primarily club boats, used for recreational and regata purposes.
The boat's heritage as a training platform for young men is evidenced by the fact that she is rowed in the Regata Storica my the "giovanni", or young men.
Here in the US, there are a few operating as passenger boats with great success.
In the past the "puparini" were used to take passengers like gondole or sandoli buranelli.
Today they are used mainly for regattas or even just trips by the rowing clubs that have the great honor and luck to owe one.
Thanks Greg and Nereo. I didn't think they were intended for hauling freight*, but wasn't sure of the intended use.
(*Greg, have you seen the topas that are painted brown and carry the UPS logo?)
Some regatta team has to be watching this build and waiting for their beauty to be completed.
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