Many thanks to Nereo for providing us with another round of new photos from the Pupparin project at the GSVVM.

For years I've described members of the sandolo family as "three sheets and a transom".
this may be an oversimplification, but it is descriptive of the design.

The sandolo, mascareta, and pupparin all have hulls that consist of two sides, a bottom sheet, and a narrow flat stern piece that is called a "transom" in many traditional boat circles.
it's a beautiful simplicity.
In truth, there are many more parts to consider when examining these boats, especially the pupparin. In the weeks to come, I hope we'll get to see several of those parts as they are added, one at a time, to the big jigsaw puzzle on the shop floor of the GSVVM.
But for now, since the frames have been crafted and put in place, we see that Luigino Marcuzzi has begun installing those "three sheets".

Of course, it's more than just three pieces - Maestro Marcuzzi has put up the first sections on the bottom and one side, two sections on the other side. Additional sections will be added soon enough.
The meticulous nature of Luigino's work is evident in how each fastener has been sealed-in with what appears to be epoxy.
I wonder what Maestro Marcuzzi thinks about as he assembles this beauty.
Does he whistle, sing, or play music while he works?
Is there a thermos of coffee or a sandwich that we can't see - just out of the shot?
Do club members amble in from time to time, talking and offering to help?
I wonder if he realizes that we're all looking in on this project - savoring each photo and anticipating what might come next.
THANKS again!!!
Interesting similarities and differences...
Your 3 sheets and a transom definition works well for the Sandolo type of boats. It also works well for American / Canadian dories. While length / width proportions differ, both types of boats have flared sides at similar angles and what many of think of as a tombstone shaped transom.
This produces a boat that has very good stability, especially only when heavily loaded ... and they can carry a heavy load.
One of the differences I see is in construction. Here, we scarf (join) multiple boards into one piece before affixing them to the boat. Maestro Marcuzzi scarfs the boards on the boat.
Here, we might have sandwiches and coffee in the shop. There, I bet he eats where there's no sawdust in the food.
Thanks again for the pictures.
Thanks Bob.
Funny enough, I had intended to draw the Dory comparison, but couldn't fit it into my existing text.
the first time I saw a dory, I said to myself: "hey, that looks kinda like a little sandolo".
Describing the transom as a tombstone got a laugh out of me, but it is quite accurate.
Oh, and I think you're probably right about the sandwiches...but by avoiding the sawdust, he's missing out on a good source of additional fiber!
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