Wednesday, June 24, 2009

2009 Vogalonga Video - Windy

Video by Elisa Mohr

The wind was a little more noticeable in this clip.
While rowing straight into the wind was a hassle for many participants, I've heard from a lot of rowers who said the real wind-related problems occurred when they needed to turn a corner and encountered crosswinds which would force them into obstacles or run them aground in the shallows.


  1. Your daughter cracks me up! Just chillin' and drawing through the chaos. lol

  2. Tamas Feher from HungaryJune 26, 2009 at 9:37 AM

    In the beginning of this video there is a boat flying a huge flag in front of the Mestrina. Is that a japanese boat?

    Their red-white radial flag resembles the Imperial Japanese Navy insignia with sun and sunrays on white background.

    I mean this

  3. Tamas Feher from HungaryJune 26, 2009 at 9:49 AM

    > I've heard from a lot of rowers who said the real wind-related problems occurred when they needed to turn a corner and encountered crosswinds which would force them into obstacles or run them aground in the shallows. <

    It must have been! There is a 5 minute video on Youtube, where a large dragonboat having completed 9/10th of the journey in 3 hours, finally turns into the wind and capsizes literally a hundred steps from the windshielded safety of venetian canals.

    How much more unlucky can you get?

    See here
