Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunset Gondola Celebrates Three Years - part

Here are three video clips from the evening.

The first one I shot after the meal, when folks were hanging around, just about to head down to the boats.

I was fortunate enough to have some of Southern Cal's most experienced gondoliers on my gondola. In this video, we were just climbing aboard and getting situated.

As we approached Captain Jack's, Andrew McHardy was playing the easily recognized "Lime in the Coconut" song. Grigory-never-get-there pushed record and described the scene (which pretty much came out on video as a mixture of dark...and really dark). I joked with someone from another boat, and two guys in my boat discussed brands of whiskey. Towards the end of the song, a few passengers took to thumping the boat in time with the music. Andrew really is phenomenal with a guitar - just about everything he played was spot-on. Feeling the gondola thump to the beat under my feet just added to the experience.

this video shot by Grigory-never-get-there.


  1. A thought broke through, Greg. I would like to share it. The times we have had at Sunset has been definitely memorable. Wouldn't it be great to celebrate other gondola companies too? We should all get together and travel to other companies in the world and spend a couple days sharing stories and rowing gondolas, oh yeah, and drinking vino. Heck, we could start close and travel south to San Diego.

  2. Congrats to Dawn and Tim for the nice party. I would love to be there next year. Ciao a tutti

  3. Tamas Feher from HungaryJuly 20, 2009 at 8:15 AM

    Hello, I have a curious question. A long time ago there was gondola traghetto service between Giudecca Island and Venezia.

    I guess that must have been a really high traffic crossing, because G. was the working classes' quartier of the city, with employees shuttling to/from their workplaces every workday.

    How many barcheta a massoche boats did that service use and how many passengers did they have per day? Was there a lot of queue waiting during peak hour?

    One must also wonder if the remeri had difficulty with the currents, since the Giudecca Canal was dug really deep to let big ships pass?

    (If I know correctly the G. traghetto gondolas were replaced by ACTV Linea 9 and then it was replaced by a traghetto substitute motoscafo running from the Zattere.)

    Thanks in advance, Sincerely: Tamas Feher from Hungary.
