Friday, August 21, 2009

Blog Header Roundup - Week 2

8/15 – Blog Header “Wedding”
In May of 2008, Alison White, our office manager at Gondola Adventures Inc. here in Newport, shot this of me rowing off with a bride and groom. Moments after the photo was taken, we lashed the gondola to a buoy in the bay and I performed their wedding ceremony. Yes, I’m a very dangerous man – I can get you in all kinds of trouble.

8/16 – Wedding Gondola in monochrome
The day after Valentine’s Day of 2009, John Kerschbaum and I took out a ten passenger flotilla. I shot this photo of the bow of John’s boat, while rowing mine.
The photo was nice in color, but when I dropped it down to monochrome it really “popped”.

8/17 – Ina Logo
This began as a photo taken of Ina Mierig in Hamburg, Germany.
After she sent it to me, I played around with it and ended up with what you see here.
This rendering has also been used on embroidered shirts given to friends of the Gondola Society of America.

8/18 – Second SS Row Header
This is one of my favorite blog headers. It was shot at the second Sunset Gondola “Pilgrimage” I attended on September 3rd, 2008.

8/19 – Scarpa Header
John Scarpa rowing his gondola in Newport Harbor back in 1907.

8/20 – “Minnesota Launch”
Photo by Barbara Fedor.
Many photos depict places you’d like to be. Once in a while a photo makes you wish you were part of the action – that’s what this photo did to me. I saw it and immediately said to myself, “wow, I wish I’d been there for that experience”.

8/21 – “Spin”
I shot this on December 30th of last year by putting the camera on a tripod, setting the camera for a long exposure, and firing with a remote trigger. If you spin the boat and hold still, you can get some cool images.

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