Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary to the Gondola Blog!

Today, August 8th of 2009 marks a milestone for the Gondola Blog.

It was two years ago today that I launched the blog - back then it was simply viewed as an accessory for the Hudson River expedition in New York.
I would post whenever I could, eventually ramping up to publishing an average of one post per day.

During the expedition it was a great way to chronicle the daily events and photos as we rowed our way from Albany to Manhattan. Afterwards, I still had some stories up my sleeve so I decided to just keep posting until I ran out of things to say.

Well, two years later, with 658 posts uploaded, I'm happy to report that I haven't completely run out of material.

Yes, I am THAT fanatically obsessed.

To celebrate the Gondola Blog's "big 02",
I'll upload a different banner photo each day for the next three weeks. Most of them will be images we've seen up there in the past, but one or two new ones might creep in now and then as well.

There are many people to thank here:
First, I want to express my grattitude to each of you for reading and commenting.

I want to thank those of you, who know more than I do (on a particular subject, or overall) for your patience as I've navigated my way through sometimes unfamiliar waters.

Big thanks go out to my wife Elisa, for putting up with my addiction.

Thanks to the Gruppo Sportivo Voga Veneta in Mestre for their hospitality, both to me and my "Crazy American" friends.

And I'd like to say a special thanks to those of you who've contributed photos and/or content.
A big thanks is in order for Nereo Zane - one of my dearest friends, an amazing photographer, and the guy who convinced me to take up photography myself. In the past two years Nereo has contributed hundreds of incredible images, making my job as a blogger less of a chore, and more of an honor.

As we launch boldly into the "terrible two's", let's hope we have smooth sailing.

Thanks for reading the Gondola Blog fellow fanatics,
I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have.

In alto i remi,
Greg Mohr


  1. Hip Hip Hooray! For he's a jolly good gondoliere, that nobody can deny.

    Seriously though, we should be thanking you. Here's to many more years! Cheers!


  2. Thank you so much for your words my friend and for those great days down the Hudson River.
    Sometimes I can't believe we did all that! Happy Anniversary
