Monday, August 17, 2009

Ingo Writes from Wörthsee

I got an e-mail from Ingo Stahl in Bavaria the other day. Ingo is one of those gondoliers I can't help but envy.
He seems to go everywhere with his gondola, and "lives the dream" enough to make a fanatic like me jealous.
This time he sent me a photo and description from a cruise he did on August 8th.

Ingo writes:

Ciao, ciao Greg. My best wishes and many thanks for two years of gondolablog.
I am everytime enjoying, to read, to learn, to be surprized.

This Saturday was a day you often write about. First the weather did not know what to do, and then it was wonderful, all ok, where universe water and I are one.
We are coming through Herrsching Bay of Ammersee to the wharves of Hotel Seehof, nearly a hundred wedding guests waiting for bride and groom and two hundred tourists with cameras looked at the event and applauded.
Those days I am happy to be a gondolier.

Thanks Ingo for the kind words and the great photo.
Keep "livin' the dream" there in Wörthsee.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Notice how that water is as smooth as glass in the photo.
