Monday, August 17, 2009
Ingo Writes from Wörthsee
I got an e-mail from Ingo Stahl in Bavaria the other day. Ingo is one of those gondoliers I can't help but envy.
He seems to go everywhere with his gondola, and "lives the dream" enough to make a fanatic like me jealous.
This time he sent me a photo and description from a cruise he did on August 8th.
Ingo writes:
Ciao, ciao Greg. My best wishes and many thanks for two years of gondolablog.
I am everytime enjoying, to read, to learn, to be surprized.
This Saturday was a day you often write about. First the weather did not know what to do, and then it was wonderful, all ok, where universe water and I are one.
We are coming through Herrsching Bay of Ammersee to the wharves of Hotel Seehof, nearly a hundred wedding guests waiting for bride and groom and two hundred tourists with cameras looked at the event and applauded.
Those days I am happy to be a gondolier.
Thanks Ingo for the kind words and the great photo.
Keep "livin' the dream" there in Wörthsee.
Very nice. Notice how that water is as smooth as glass in the photo.