Monday, September 28, 2009

Boston for sale

photos by Mark J. Hunt Photography

I just spoke with Megan in Boston, who informed me that Gondola di Venezia is officially for sale.
Here's the official sale release:
Recreational, water-based tour company available for purchase in Boston, MA. Located at the Esplanade in Boston’s beautiful Beacon Hill, this unique small-business features two authentic Venetian gondolas, and offers private, romantic, luxury cruises. The park in which the Gondola Tours operates, “The Storrow Embankment,” (Commonly referred to as “The Esplanade”) was designed and built at the turn of the 20th century by Arthur Shurtcliff with explicit instruction to make “As Venetian as possible.” As such, the Gondola Tours’ presence in the park is highly supported both by the DCR and the community. This must be an owner-operated business, and the buyer would ideally have a passion for wooden boats and Venetian culture (and romance!). Dozens of return-clients and countless rave reviews over the course of the company’s nine-year lifetime has greatly enhanced and contributed to our excellent reputation, yet this business still boasts a large potential for growth.

Gondola di Venezia has been an awesome gondola operation for almost a decade now. I've rowed in a lot of places, and was honored to be involved in the launch of the business. To this day, Boston remains at the top of my list of favorites; not just because of the location, but because of the people involved in the servizio - many of whom are still involved today.

Boston residents should not worry, as the operation will remain there, and this is not a "piecemeal sale", but if you have any interest in taking over the servizio there on the Charles River, please contact Megan at: