We flew out to Irving, Texas today to prepare for another expedition - this time in Shreveport, Louisiana.
The Boy Scout council in the Shreveport/Bossier area will be holding their annual Scout-o-rama on Saturday, and to direct attention to that event, we will hold a gondola expedition on Friday.
The weather and river conditions have truly conspired against us this time, and forced a change of venue for the expedition. I am nonetheless, quite happy to be doing what I can to help out the Scouts, and look forward to the row.
This time I'll be rowing with Matthew Schenk - the current manager of my Irving operation. It will be his first opportunity to take part in an expedition, so the easier venue of Cross Lake is probably a better choice. I am really looking forward to rowing with Matt.
Whatever the case, I will probably find myself at one point or another, looking longingly at the heavily swolen Red River, with it's rushing current and large amounts of debris shooting by.
I'll probably say to Matt:
"You know, if we really wanted to, we could probably still row that river".
But it's not about me, it's about the Scouts.
Tomorrow we'll haul the Rosa out of the water and trailer her up from Texas to Northern Louisiana, and prepare for the row on Friday.
Good night my friends,
Gondola Greg
Good luck Greg and Matt for this new expedition.