Friday, November 6, 2009

S. Moisè - Gondolier Conversation

As our favorite "indietro gondolier" from the last post backs down the Rio San Moisè, he passes by two other gondoliers who are having a conversation, probably boat-related.
Notice how the boat-handling is automatic and their attention is totally wrapped around the conversation.
Just another day on the greatest job in Venezia.


  1. Tamas Feher from HungaryNovember 6, 2009 at 6:10 AM

    Did the red T-shirt guy swap boats with the red cushion gondolier in the left? I'd guess the colors are made to match.

    BTW, There are several forcolas visible in the photo, all of them on the same side. Silly question, but what happens to left-handed gondoliers? Do they put the forcola on the other side of the boat, do they simply adapt or maybe choose another profession? The first option would likely result in traffic chaos and oar collisions...

  2. So...a left handed gondolier should row the gondola backwards from the cockpit area on the starboard side? Would dyslexia cause any problems?

  3. Lysdexics untie!
    Buttercow, buttercow, buttercow.

  4. No way! The subject is totally on topic; the discussion is about rowing a gondola. Ridiculos , yes. Butter Cow, I don't think so.

  5. Tamas Feher from HungaryNovember 7, 2009 at 7:41 AM

    I just got an e-mail from some guys in Cambridge, who want to sell me a "genuine left-hand drive venetian gondola" that was custom made to be "british canal legal". Complete with wedding carvings, I think it is a good take for 50,000 pounds sterling 8-)

  6. "british canal legal"

    I love it; I want one!

    Josepe, is that you?

  7. Sean, first of all what the heck are you doing up at 4am?
    Secondly, my buttercow was in reference to the "Lysdexics untie!" comment that I made. Dude, take it easy.
    You're the guy who brought us the sacred buttercow. And I dare say that it's made things more fun around here.

  8. Greg,
    Butter Cow reference, got it. In regard to taking it easy, no need. My entire comment was made with a smile on my face and a twinkle in my eye.:) And I always get up at 4am to start detailing the boats. Don't you? Ciao

  9. What do I see?
    Oh how now!
    Uno "Grandissimo

    GBC involves
    off topic statments
    plus a touch of

    Thank you all for
    making my day
    by helping in coining
    an appropriate phrase.
