Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Get Me to the Church On Time"

photo by Nereo Zane
On my way out the door to get to church, I discovered an e-mail from Nereo with this, most appropriate photo.

As you might expect, the Festa della Madonna della Salute is big among Venetians. This is a photo Nereo shot yesterday, of the people waiting to get into church. Venetians light candles in the church, giving thanks for another year of good health. It's a reminder each year of Venice's deliverance from the plague in the 17th Century.

Now, I must run out the door, as I'm late for church myself.
I hope there won't be crowds that big where I'm going.


  1. Tamas Feher from HungaryNovember 23, 2009 at 5:05 AM

    What I like about this photo is the crowd actually being venetian, rather than the usual flock of tourists!

    I wonder if some TV station covered the pontoon bridge march and the Salute church event this year?

  2. Yes, all the local and the main national TVs covered the two-days event with some spots. Today the "Madonna della Salute" is, with the "Festa della Sensa", the dearest feast to Venetians. The "Redentore", the third important event unfortunately no-longer is a true "Venetians'feast". On Saturday crossing the bridge was a real adventure due to the crowd to and from the Church. The bridge has been disassembled today.
