Monday, December 7, 2009

Poop-Deck Repair

I ran across this repair job in Sqero San Trovaso.
It appears that some of the decking has suffered from rot.
The paper plate had been used to mix and hold a repair compound...but I have no idea what the heck he was using the hack-saw for.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. just click the links ...

  3. Tamas Feher from HungaryDecember 8, 2009 at 2:51 AM

    > I have no idea what the heck he was using the hack-saw for.

    Medieval corporal punishment for the gondolier who failed to care for his vessel?

    (Circus attraction as well: put the gondolier in his gondola, hack it into pieces, reassemble it and if all goes well, the gondolier climbs out in one piece.)

  4. My guess is: Based on the fact that the plate and the hacksaw are the only two items in the picture they are not actively working on the bad spot but setting items on the boat while working on other things.
