Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Buon Compleanno Nereo

photo by Dawn ReinardI consider myself very lucky to have a friend like Nereo Zane.

He's more than just a friend, to me he's "family".

Nereo has also provided countless images and information here on the Gondola Blog, while hosting his own as well.

Today is Nereo's birthday, so my friends, join me in wishing him a happy one.

Buon Compleanno Nereo!


  1. Buon Compleanno Nereo!

    THANKS, as always, for all the fine pictures you share with us Nereo.

  2. you're welcome guys. I'm very proud to have friends like you. Thank you again

  3. Greg and Nereo,

    Wishing you many happy returns of the day.

    Bepi, Ciara, Samantissima & Giovani
