Monday, May 31, 2010

The Best Pilgrimage Yet - Music

Group shot number three.

There are many facets to the gondolier's job.
He does many things other than pilot a boat.
And as many people expect, one of those things involves music.

The "singing gondolier" has become a bit of a stereotype, and as many gondoliers are performers at heart, it's not hard to see why we tend to break out in song now and then.
And for those gondoliers who aren't sure about singing, add a boat full of passengers who would love to tip for a song, and the convincing is done.

Now, put those gondoliers together for a social get-together, and the singing is bound to happen.

Here are a few video recordiings from the other night at Sunset Gondola.

Andrew McHardy seems to know his way around a song like a pro.

Here's a small snippet of something he was strumming before we took group photos.
I believe this was a song called "Rudolph the Red Nosed Wino".

Once on the water, we all gathered our boats under a bridge and took turns singing.
I shot some video, not for the picture but for the audio.

Some were serious arias, some fun-loving classics. At one point we all found ourselves in a rousing chorus of Santa Lucia.

After we had arrived at Captain Jack's, more singing could be heard.

Most gondoliers are familiar with "Vieni Sul Mar".

Here's a room full of gondoliers and friends belting it out.
At this stage of the game. it's important to note that quality was not as important as, well, being louder than the gondolier next to you.

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