Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Best Pilgrimage Yet - Dinner

Sometimes the best memories are created using simple ingredients.

Take for instance, an event which takes place two or three times each year at Sunset Gondola:
Get a bunch of friends together, friends who share a common interest, add music, good food, a little wine, and stir for two hours.
When the time is right, throw everybody on a bunch of Venetian boats and head out into the bay.
Add some stars, a rich blue sky, a nearly full moon and a cool breeze or two and keep stirring.
Park the boats under a bridge and let a few people sing songs, then coninue to a waterfront restaurant.
Once inside, add a warm low-lit room, more food and libations, and great stories and song.

Simple recipe, but what a memory.

It's no wonder, time after time, Southern California gondoliers and friends keep showing up for the Sunset Gondola event that I like to call "the pilgrimage to Captain Jack's".

This isn't a huge event, in fact often these gatherings top out at twenty or so, but the smaller the group, the more personal it becomes.

Last night we probably didn't see more than twenty participants, but in my opinon it was the best one yet.
There's more to write about, but last night's festivities proved worthy enough for more than just one post.

If you were there, you'll recognize the goings-on in each photo.
If you weren't - you missed out.

These shots are all from the dinner phase of the event.
I took most of these photos, but I passed my camera around and some of these were taken by Erin Grissom and Dawn Reinard.

As usual, the festivities began around the office of Sunset Gondola.

Tim and I accidentally showed up wearing matching GSVVM pullovers.

Andrew and Erin working the camp-stove.

Greg Garite strums and sings.
Trish, Dawn and Allison enjoying red wine and conversation.

Andrew annonces the arrival of "Basso".

Greg and Clare.

Dinner is served!

Eric and Jenny.
Tim approves the food, with a wink and a smile.

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