Sunday, June 27, 2010

Group Shots

Each time I've attended a get-together at Sunset Gondola, I've set the tripod up and taken a group shot.
Most of the time I've just posted one up here on the blog, but last time I came home with a number of them - each worthy of posting.

I found that there wasn't just one perfect shot.
Everyone was doing something different in each photo.
So I'm re-posting the ones that decorated the tops of each successive post from the last "Pilgrimage" so you can enjoy them one right after another.

Here's the first one:

People got a little more animated in this next shot:

John Synco cracked me up in this one (he's the one in red stripes on the right), but Erin Grissom upstaged everyone there (kneeling with black jacket and white pants), and I think she was just laughing about something, but the expression is awesome.
In between shots, I caught a few fun candids while everyone was getting in position.
Trish, John, and Eric were laughing at something Andrew McHardy said - he's not in the shot but his little white mug is (lower left)

"Basso" busts out a dance step while others crack up.

And then there's the guy who brought the camera, set it up on a timer, activated it, and was too stupid to turn around and smile for the shot (yeah, me), no wonder Chris was laughing at me.

Ahh, but there's one more, my friends.
This one's my favorite, and I haven't posted it until now:
I've said it before about these shindigs:
"If you were there, you'll recognize the goings-on in each photo.
If you weren't - you missed out."

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