Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Squero San Trovaso - Graphic Photos of a Naked Wedding Gondola

Forgive me, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to post up with such an attention-grabbing and cheezy title.

As many of you know, I'm a big fan of "wedding gondolas".
We took an in-depth look at theses special boats on April 25th in my post What is a "Wedding Gondola?".

These gondolas, with their hand-carved decks, need to be hauled out and serviced just like other gondolas.
I shot these photos at Squero San Trovaso.
All removable pieces had been stripped from the boat, including brass accents.

The carvings on a wedding gondola can be compared to tattoos, in that they often reflect the personality of the boat owner, and while there are popular styles which adorn many gondolas, no two are exactly alike.

The guy who commissioned this gondola obviously had a thing for scrollwork with sweeping curves.

He also went ahead and paid for the "whole package" by having the intagiadòr carve the boat's rails as well.

In this age of assembly-line production, our eyes have grown accustomed to seeing multiple versions of the same thing, whether it be in cars, shoes, or even houses. In some ways I think our minds desire this kind of order, but our hearts long for a special, unique, and one-of-a-kind "genuineness".

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