Saturday, September 11, 2010

In Memory

photo by Nereo Zane

As an American I have great reverence for those who "gave all" on September 11th. Three years ago, when I had the honor of joining some of the best in the world to row in tribute, and met and spoke with so many who could literally see the events of 9-11 from their homes - it became all-the-more real to me.

I think we all died a little that day.
Let us never forget.

"Nolite Oblivisci"

1 comment:

  1. Like every year Vittorio Orio and Giovanni Fracassi (Ristorante da Ivo) rowed a gondola from La Salute to Rialto and back. The purpose is to honor the memory of all those who lost their live on 9-11-2001. Unfortunately this year I couldn't attend to ceremony anyway you can read a fresh post on

