Sunday, September 12, 2010

One Corner of Saverio's Shop

photos by Garrett Budwine

Here are a pair of photos taken in the shop of remer Saverio Pastor.
We see the "wall of remi" on one side, with dozens of oars - each with it's own unique story to tell. To the right we see one of the most important modern tools in the trade: a bandsaw. Notice the duct-hoses attached to it in order to keep dust to a minimum. The back wall displays a multitude of patterns, which are used in the crafting of forcole of all different types.
Working at one of the vises is one of Saverio's staff, no doubt obsessing over every little detail of the hand-carved piece he has before him. Tools, materials, and even a model or two occupy this corner of the shop.
What Garrett's camera could not capture, was the smell. It's a nearly indescribable combination of freshly cut woods (of which there are many types), and the oils and products used to prepare and preserve both forcole and remi.
No other place smells quite like a remer's shop - it is intoxicating.
to visit Saverio's website, go to

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures! Saverio's shop is indeed a wonderful place to visit, especially if you're one who works with wood.

    However, I think you give the power tool too much credit. (I blame that perception on Norm Abrams.) Modern power tools are mostly overrated. Yes, the bandsaw is very helpful for rough blocking of forcole, but not absolutely essential to making remi.

    THE single most important tools in the shop are those vises fitted in holes in the floor. Without good work holding, good work is impossible. The remi master uses the vise in combination with a tree-like structure (seen in the far right of the first picture) to hold remi while they are being shaped.

    Next, are the very many hand planes that far exceed the capability of the bandsaw.

    Of course, the hands and eyes of the masters are the most important parts of the art.
