Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sunset Gondola Hosts a Christmas Party

Call it a "get-together", call it a "Christmas party", gondoliers don't really need an excuse to congregate and share food, wine, stories and lies.  On the first night of December, a bunch of us Southern California gondoliers and friends got together as we have so many times before.  Tim and Dawn of Sunset Gondola did a great job hosting us.  Some favorite regulars were absent, some were in attendance, and as usual there were a few new faces as well.  I enjoyed making a few new friends, and missed the ones who couldn't be there this time.

 It was a bit cool, so we all made use of the charcoal grill.

 Synco, Basso, and Bepi giving that "why must you take my picture" look.

As usual, we took a number of "group shots".  It's important to capture the suspects for posterity sake.
In the top photo, everyone behaved themselves, but in this last shot, everyone's true personality seemed to shine.
from left to right: Kelly Stiles, Charlie Hockett, Niko, Kent Dexter, Chris "Rotto Sorriso", Dan Devine, Nique phetchanpheng, Synco, Trish, Dawn and Tim Reinard, and Gondola Greg (feeling well-grounded)

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