Saturday, January 8, 2011

Squero Canaletto - Half-Size Gondola Project

photos courtesy Joe Gibbons

Here's a set of photos from a few years ago, when Venice had another squero.
This one was different from the others - it was run by Thom Price, and had a number of other squerarioli from different places. 
Squero Canaletto wasn't in operation for more than a few years, but they made an earnest effort, and some interesting things came out of there.

Joe Gibbons from Boston sent these images.  This may have been the most unique boat to come out of the Squero Canaletto.
Joe writes:
"Thom Price was building a half-size gondola for a boat show in Venice. Showcasing squero Cannalletto. The building is not the squero - the maritime museum hosted this event."

Building a half-size gondola, right there on the museum floor is a pretty eye-catching move, and it looks like they definitely got people's attention.

Mathias Luhmann working on a piece before fitting it to the gondola.  Mathias has been seen here on the Gondola Blog - see "Sochetto in Squero Canaletto" from August of 2008. 

Thom and Mathias answering questions from museum patrons, while other onlookers examine the work in progress.

I don't know if this gondola was ever completed.
They can't really be used for passenger service, but it seems like a shame to break apart a project like this halfway through. 
If the boat was completed, I'd love to see her, maybe try and row her.

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