Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow-Blanket in Texas

photos by Matthew Schenk

I got on the phone with my location manager in Irving, Texas, and he sounded out of breath.
I asked him what was wrong and he said:
"Oh nothing, I've just been shovelling snow".

I asked if he'd gotten pictures and he said he'd send them to me.

Footprints on the dock.

A two-tone gondola lists hard to starboard under the extra weight.

This gondola doesn't have a cover. 
Maybe we should use the "snow cover" for a pattern.

Here's a close-up of the snow on the back deck:
Try rowing in that!

We don't get a lot of snow in our Irving, Texas location, but now and then snow does fall there - and it's not a thin layer.

The Dallas/Ft. Worth area seems to get this white blanket once or twice each winter, the locals go out to see what everything looks like with "frosting on top".

Here's a link to another post of snow in Irving.  They managed to make a snowman that time.

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