Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Day at the Races - the Women's Regata

photos by Tamás Fehér

During a recent visit to Venice, Tamás was able to watch a series of rowing races. He writes:
I arrived at St. Lucia on Sunday around 09:50, as my hotel stay was in Mogliano, 25 min away by train. Bought vaporetto pass and rode to the western-most tip of Guidecca.

A series of races passed by close to shore.
Here are some images taken of the women's race.
According to Tamás:
The rowboats started far away, then passed close to the shore, between the embankment and the line of massive batches of parinas, in a corridor maybe 30 meters wide, with the venetian high-tension AC pillars standing nearby.

A committee boat flanks the lead boat.

Four-woman teams row hard, jockeying for position
while doing their best to stay in unison.

A small flotilla of motor boats follows.

Tamás writes:
The rowboats started far away, then passed close to the shore, between the embankment and the line of massive batches of parinas, in a corridor maybe 30 meters wide, with the venetian high-tension AC pillars standing nearby.

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