Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sniping Steve

I staked out one of my own gondoliers this evening.
Steve Elkins was out on the Phoenix and had no idea I was zooming in on him with the long lens.

As I crouched there on the dock, quietly cursing myself for not bringing the tripod, I did manage to snap off a few images that might be considered "barely passing".

Shooting at a distance, you get a better idea of the air quality.
The further away something is, the more flat and washed out it appears.

No matter how many times I raise my camera, shooting gondolas just never gets old.

1 comment:

  1. > Shooting at a distance, you get a better idea of the air quality.

    ...shouldn't California have the most stringent environmental regulations in the entire USA?

    Otherwise, I think lens filters can help as much as a tripod in such a situation.
