Friday, May 6, 2011

The View at Low Tide

photo by Tamás Fehér
During one of his recent visits to Venice, Tamás took this photo from a campanile or a high rooftop.  The view over the tile roofs and across the water is one of my favorites in Venice.  To see a leaning campanile off in the distance just makes this picture more authentic.

I could be wrong here, but looking at the water, I'd guess the photo was taken at or near low tide.

1 comment:

  1. The companies is Burano. The area in from are the barene around Lazzaretto Novo. They are always above water, but of course to a varying degree with the tide. The lagoon around Venice used to be 80% covered with barene, marshes, but motorised traffic has eroded most of it away. The area east of Sant'Erasmo is one of the largest remaining marsh area in the central lagoon.
