Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gondola Capsizes in Venice

Every now and then we see a news story like this.
Sometimes it's caused by a vaporetto.
Other times the gondolier is blamed (although I don't usually believe it).
This time it was a "large motorboat" that caused the spontaneous swimming lesson.
Here's the story:
"Tourists take unexpected dip after gondola capsizes"


  1. The below press article even has a photo of the black Titanic and the Vigili Fouco motorboat in front of the Danieli, where the sinking happened on Aug 24:

    Il Gazettino

    (BTW, the article's comments contain some inflammatory allegations.)

    Another story says a gondola moored elsewhere in Venice was also sunk by moto ondoso.

    Also, I auto-save the Bacino San Marco webcams' pics on computer every day, but the Danieli gondola incident is not visible in their viewing angle.

  2. Have a look at this post on Vogaveneta.it : http://www.vogaveneta.it/novita-del-sito/68-gondola-si-rovescia-a-smarco.html
