Friday, September 30, 2011

Emilia Takes a Cruise

photos by Emilia Mirazchiyska and friends

My friend Emilia, publisher of the blog "Venezia" ws lucky enough to climb aboard a gondola in Venice a few days ago with her friends Viktoria and Rayna, and she sent me some great point-of-view photos of the adventure.

 They climbed aboard at the San Tomà traghetto, and got the royal treatment from gondolier Alessandro.

 Emilia checks her hair.

Alessandro points something out.

 When riding in a gondola, people take your picture. 
I swear, these boats are like "camera magnets".

Even the locals step out to take a look.

Alessandro earned his keep on the back of the boat, talking, singing, and using all the different techniques necessary to navigate the tight canals.

Clearly, everyone had a great time on the water.

I think Alessandro had more fun than his passengers.


  1. I love that, and I know that Emelia loves Allesandro, the crooning gondolier! :-)


  2. "E. loves Alessandro" è un po' esagerata :)) vorrei solo che invecchiassimo insieme, non monterò mai nella gondola di un altro gondoliere... Farò il giro in gondola solo con Sandro anchè quando avremmo 60anni :))

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ah, Alessandro... I know him and he is dreamy. I met him when I was in Venice this past winter for three months. I must have taken at least a dozen rides with him... we could hardly communicate, because my Italian is not good and his English isn't good either... I just spent a lot of time looking at him ;)
