Saturday, September 3, 2011

Gondolier Bob Millspaugh in the News

Gondoliers are interesting. 
I've said that many times before.

Gondoliers are musical.
That's certainly true as well.

Gondoliers have heart.
Most of the ones I know sure do, and this one has more than most.

His name is Bob Millspaugh, but over the years he's garnered a new nickname:
"Bobby Cash" - in the tradition of Johnny Cash.

If you're in Orange County today, go out and pick up a copy of the Orange County Register newspaper, because they're featuring a story today on Bob and his work singing for inmates.

here's a video clip on their website.

Read more about Bob's monthly gig and his story in the on-line news story.
It's definitely worth it.
Bobby "Cash" Rocks Irvine Jail

God Bless you Bob, you are awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! This year it looks like I will not be able to view (and record for Greg Mohr) the Regata Storica event, because we don't have access to RAI Due any more on CATV. (In previous years the broadcast was on the more available RAI Uno channel).

    Hopefully someone in Italy would be able to record RS 2011 for Greg. Thanks!
