Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Another Perfect Moment

As I rowed my passengers through the canals of Newport, all was still.
The sun had set, but was continuing to project ever-changing colors onto the sky above us.  My couple, young and ridiculously in love, snuggled together in their seat - drinking it all in.
By all measures it was a "perfect moment" - the type I've described here before.
The kind where you lose all track of time, not a single thing could be any better and it all seems to flow like a dream sequence.
I informed my couple that if were looking for a "happy place" to go to in their minds when things were less than pleasant, this would be a good one.
They agreed and I exclaimed "welcome to your happy place!"
We all laughed.
There's no doubt in my mind that my couple will carry the memory of that perfect moment for years, if not decades.
I used to sit at a desk and try to convince myself that my job was worthwhile.
Funny, I never have that problem anymore.

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