Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Festa del Redentore Video

It seems like there are a lot of fireworks going off these days.

My daughter was in Vancouver on Canada Day and enjoyed their fireworks display, then she came home in time to watch our Independence Day aerial display on the fourth.
Not long after, I started hearing about an annual event in Venice that I hope to one day attend - the Festa del Redentore, which,
as you might have guessed...has fireworks.

I've seen images of this night in years past (and they are typically amazing), but this year Nereo has provided us with a high quality video of it.

The footage begins with some singing and carrying on by GSVVM club members on their boats.  If I turn off all the lights in the room, put on my headphones, sip some red wine and get close enough to the computer screen - I feel like I'm right there in the bacino with the rest of the club members.

Thanks Nereo, I enjoyed every minute.

Here's a link to the video on Vogaveneta.it

...and if that doesn't work, Nereo has also placed the video on YouTube.

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