Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Learning to Fly - Video

photo by Cassandra Mohr

Yes, I know it has nothing to do with gondolas, except that here in Newport we sometimes have the opportunity to cruise by as people are doing this.
Maybe this post should just be classified as another personal interest story by the author who can write whatever he wants on his blog.  Whatever the case, it's a blast and I just had to share the video as soon as it came out.

A few weeks ago I had the chance to try out Jetlev myself - photos and some words were posted in my July 24th post "Learning to Fly".

As part of the package, they gave me a video with some of the more memorable parts of the experience.
I was given a list of hit songs to choose from, but I opted to go with some original work from my good friend Jeff Whitcher instead.

Put your headphones on, hit play, and enjoy the music and the show.

If you want to try flying like this for yourself, check out:
or call them at (888) 553-6471
Jeff Whitcher's album "Just What the World Needs...Another Guitar Player" is available at:    and it would mean a lot to me if you would take half a minute to "like" him on Facebook: Facebook.com/jeffwhitcher2012

1 comment:

  1. AMAZING!!! I've just added a post on Vogaveneta.it: http://www.vogaveneta.it/novita-del-sito/174-il-gondoliere-volante.html

