Monday, September 3, 2012

Jetlev Spectators

Today was Labor Day here in the States, and everyone was out on their boats (just as they had been for the last three days).
In the turning basin just off of our docks, there was a large contingent of anchored boats with folks doing their best to make the most of the last day of a holiday weekend - for many of them it was the last day of summer,
as school and other responsibilities seem to ramp up after Labor Day.

I took my afternoon passengers out towards the Lido bridge and, as it has been with just about everybody who sees it, they wanted me to get closer to that "thing", that "flying thing".

The thing that they were so intent on seeing was the Jetlev - a water-propelled jetpack which I talked about on July 24th in my post "Learning to Fly" with video on "Learning to Fly - Video".

The folks on the anchored boats were all intently watching, and a number of other boats had come over to spectate as well.

We got pretty close, but I knew better than to get close enough to get sprayed - one of my gondoliers got a free salt water washdown a while back!

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