Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How Much is that Marinera in the Window?

photos by Kathleen Gonzalez
I thought about titling this post "Stripes for Sale", but it turns out I already used that phrase last year, to post a photo of this very same shop
"How Much is that Marinera in the Window", is fitting because this is the very shop that I bought my last two overshirts.
I have that exact same white marinera in my closet right now 
(the one in the corner on the right, swimming in a sea of stripes). 

This is the shop known as Emilio Ceccato, at the base of the Rialto Bridge, they have a small display window facing the stairs of the bridge, 
which I featured in my post "Sleeves".

As you can see (if you know the value of the Euro), that some of these items aren't cheap, but then some of them are cashmere.

In all honesty, I don't know how their prices stack up against competitors, but they sure do a great job with window displays.

I mean really, 
...and the award for best cardboard gondola model goes to:

I'm not sure if the folks in the store plan on having their displays photographed, but I know that a lot of people have snapped pictures of the place, like Kathleen and RJ (who you can see in the reflection below).
My guess is they said something like: 
"Oh man, we've got to get a shot of that".


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