Monday, July 29, 2013

The "Birth of a Boat" in French

Everybody, it seems, loves Venice.
I have yet to meet someone who doesn't.
Perhaps there are some people out there who don't,
perhaps they've been warned to avoid telling me so.

All I can tell you is that sure does appear to me that everyone loves the place.
Some of them are French.
And the writers of Olia i Klod (a blog that appears to be written all in French)
have recently posted a nice post on the launching of an historically significant boat: the batea a coa de gambaro - or shrimp-tailed boat.
Very few of these exist today, and I'm told that all of them are new,
faithful reproductions of the ones built a long time ago.

Enjoy the photos, and if you don't read French, get a translation on-line,
and read about the birth of a boat.  Or as they put it:
Naissance d’une barque


  1. > Everybody, it seems, loves Venice. I have yet to meet someone who doesn't. Perhaps there are some people out there who don't. <

    According to the Cambridge journal there exist:
    Venetophilia for loving Venice,
    Venetophobia for hating Venice and
    generally, Venetotropism for those with an excessive focus on Venice.

    But maybe we are talking about Vogavenetophilia and Vogatropism in this case?
