Friday, July 11, 2014

Red gondola and Reflecting Moon

Driving through Sunset Beach tonight,
I took a quick detour off Pacific Coast Highway.
The moon was full and the tide was high.
I  was hoping I might just spot a gondola.
No such luck.
I checked a few good locations where you can sometimes
spot one of Tim's boats, then headed back towards the highway
when I caught a very familiar sight:
There's no other boat in the world quite like her, and she's found a nice home at Sunset Gondola.
Doubling back, I stopped on a bridge just in time to catch that remarkable gondola as she glided through the reflection of the full moon.
There was no time to dial things in and fuss over camera settings.
I hoped I'd get something and snapped away.

The results remind me a little bit of the "Starry Night" painting by Van Gough, with the moon and the clouds swirling around.

I'm sure that the passengers on that boat had some fantastic views of their own. What a beautiful night.


Bepi Venexiano said...

Wow! It's a great word. When you see an image,so beautiful, so hard won, and a flood of feeling hits you that would require a year of writing and revision to capture and still might all flows out into one under-appreciated exclamation. Wow!

Bepi Venexiano said...

The gondolier is Grant Higgins.