Monday, October 6, 2014

An Alaskan Rows in the Sun

Jakob boarded passengers for his next cruise and pushed off the dock.
As the setting sun came into view, they took it all in, basking in the warmth 
and brilliance of the star that our planet revolves around.

The gondolier rowed off towards the horizon.
All three of them admired the ever-changing colors.

Jakob is one of our new gondoliers.
And while he may be new to the art of Venetian rowing, 
he is certainly no stranger to water.

Before he came to us, Jakob skippered a fishing boat in Alaska.
He was based out of Homer, and when I asked him why he moved here, 
he said:
"because I like to surf without freezing to death".
Oh yes, they do surf in Alaska, but the wetsuits are much thicker.

 My passengers and Jakob's passengers toasting each other 
as the gondolas pass.

Having lived in sub-arctic Alaska, I experienced all seasons up there.
We used to joke that we had two official seasons:

"Frozen" and "Wet".

Here in Southern California, it's not perfect, 
but sometimes it sure seems like it.

Tonight was one of those nights.

Welcome to the waters of Newport, Jakob.
We're glad to have you.

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