Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tequila Sunset

In the early 70's, a couple of bartenders in Sausalito, California
updated an old cocktail from the 30's.
Combining grenadine, Orange juice, and of course, tequila - if properly
created, the drink settled into a stack of colors in a glass. 

In 1972, the Rolling Stones held a private party at that Bay Area establishment known as The Trident.  Mick Jagger and those around him took a liking to the drink and reportedly requested it during their cross country tour. 
The drink was known as the "Tequila Sunrise".
The popularity of the drink exploded, and today it can be ordered at nearly any bar in the country.

Tonight, out on the waters of Newport, my passengers and I
enjoyed a "Tequila Sunset".
Yes, there is a cocktail by that name too,
but the one we were savoring was ahead on the horizon.

As gondoliers, most of us are expert sunset-watchers.
Tonight's was a classic clear-sky "Tequila Sunset".

It never gets old. Never.

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