Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Under The Bridge

In yesterday's post "Off The Wall!",
we looked at a collection of photos of gondoliers performing a familiar
foot-plant just beneath my window in Venezia.
The reason they were all doing this was to maneuver their gondolas
through a tight turn with a small bridge running diagonal over the corner.
Here's the next part of the maneuver.

This is the "toe-plant" guy.
You might remember this gentleman from the previous post.
The next photo shows why the gondoliers take this turn so seriously.
 Fitting a thirty-six foot boat through this tight turn
requires the gondolier to hug the inside corner close.
Very close.
Oh, and then there's the whole ducking-under part.
Mister Mohawk plants...
hugs the corner...
and pulls off the turn like a pro.
 No doubt, he's done it countless times.