Sunday, May 22, 2016

GO, "Row Venice", GO!!!

I saw the post and couldn't help but smile...and wish I could get to Venice.

Our friends at "Row Venice" wrote:
Sunday, May 22 is the Regata di Mestre, featuring a rare women's gondola race — 9 gondole with 4 rowers in each craft.
We have a total of 10 Row Venice instructors participating,
spread over a total of 5 gondola crews.
The weather forecast is perfect, so stringete i denti tutte and in boca a lupo, this is going to be SOME RACE!

Four oar gondola races are exciting.
The boats go so fast, and when you get a group of vogatori all working together, it is a beautiful thing to witness.

Our best wishes to all of the Row Venice instructors.
Have a great race!

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