Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Swan in Perth

Western Australia's only gondola operation is on the water,
and looking better than ever.

Alan and Antoinetta's beautiful Aussie-built gondola is now at a new location.

They write:
We’re now in one of Perth’s major projects, Elizabeth Quay,
which opened earlier this year.
It’s still a work in progress but we have a permanent mooring for the gondola which is huge advantage over our previous operation.
A huge advantage indeed:
We used to trailer the gondola for every one hour booking,
this involved  driving it from home on the 34 ft.
long trailer, launching it then motoring it to the pickup point, this took 2 hours before and after each cruise.
Now that's dedication.
Living below the equator, they're just coming out of winter and looking forward to business picking up.

Check out the new website at:

Great boat, great place, great people.
Here's wishing Alan and Antoinetta a fantastic year.

To read more about the boat and the operation, see my post:
GONDOLAS IN AUSTRALIA - "Gondolas on the Swan"

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