Thursday, November 2, 2017

Visitors from Venezia

 photos by Tony Storti

For three years now, the US Gondola Nationals has been fortunate 
to receive support from Emilio Ceccato - the exclusive supplier 
and sponsor of "Associazione Gondolieri di Venezia".

Since 1902 the shop at the foot of the Rialto bridge has been known 
among Venetians as a place to buy quality clothing.
Gondoliers know it as the place to get The best clothes
for their unique trade.

No other clothier understands our needs, 
and supports us like Emilio Ceccato.
CEO Alberto Bozzo was willing to partner with us again this year, 
and we proudly displayed the Associazione Gondolieri di Venezia logo - 
with it's winged lion of San Marco and two outward-facing gondola ferros.

This year, for the first time, Emilio Ceccato also sent some folks to visit us and observe our races.  
Arianna (sales assistant), and Ricardo (active gondolier in Venezia) 
came and watched us compete.

It was a true honor to have Venetians among us.
I learned that at 22, Ricardo is the youngest official gondolier in Venice.
As I was explaining some things about gondolas and gondoliers in America to them, I showed them some of the boats.
Ricardo astutely identified one as a Tramontin-built gondola, 
and another having the origin of squero San Trovaso.

We enjoyed getting to know Arianna and Ricardo, 
and look forward to seeing them the next time we're in Venezia.

Mille grazie to Alberto Bozzo and Emilio Ceccato for supporting and 
encouraging our efforts here.  We may be an ocean away, 
but we row with our hearts...and our hearts are in Venezia.

 Emilio Ceccato: clothier of rowing champions.

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