Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Carnival on the Water

video by Nereo Zane

When you hear about  processions on the Grand Canal, 
you might expect serious things.
You might expect traditional pomp and circumstance.
but when it comes to Carneval, you would be surprised.

Recently a bunch of crazy Venetians (the very best kind) 
got together, dressed themselves up, and rowed their various craft
 down the Canalazzo - to the thrill and encouragement of a multitude of onlookers.  All in clear but rather cold conditions.

I've included the video clip here, but I recommend going to this link

and bringing it up to full screen.

I've watched it all the way through several times,
and there are lots of fun things worth pointing out.

All views are from the GSVVM batela (themed out this year as “the Mickey Mouse boat” for fairly obvious reasons)

It doesn’t happen very often, but now and then they actually shut down the Grand Canal for an event.

In this case it was for the rowing procession of clubs  - all dressed up in some sort of costume or other.

Here's my play-by-play.
quite likely you will find other fun stuff as you watch.

Time      details
00:56     Holstein cow rows in sestina.      
01:10     The big red and white peata “The Brentana” makes her entrance. 
We’ve looked at this huge boat before in the post That "Big Boat from Brenta"

01:33     Someone’s got pink hair. Wait, they ALL have pink hair!
01:47     Spongebob theme? Oh yeah! No wait…those guys are actually dressed as sections of the Mose floating tide barrier system.  Original, but I would have gone with Spongebob.
01:56     Accademia Bridge appears to be masked for restoration.
02:15     Vaporetto stops make good viewing platforms.
03:01     Look! Escaped prisoners!
03:40     Vaporetto vessel leaning hard to port.
04:50     Sumo sighted on a sandolo.         
05:20     Rialto Bridge comes into view.

At some point the band, DJ, or some dude with a sound system on the big peata came into earshot.       

05:50     Passing under Rialto.
06:10     Everybody sings a familiar song.
08:15     “Pope, Ohe!”
10:14     The procession enters the Cannaregio Canal, 

rowing towards the Tre Archi Bridge.
10:33     Things are getting cramped!
11:22     Now THAT’S a crowd.
12:00     It’s the “FruitCrate Gondola!” 
And MAN does that guy have a fancy outfit.
12:38     The Phantoms of the Opera
13:10     Yes, that IS a huge rat.
14:13     Balloon release!

Big thanks to Nereo Zane for giving us a front-row seat to this fun and unusual tradition in Venezia.
In case you'd forgotten what Nereo looks like,
I've included a very recent photo of him here:
Oh yeah.
He definitely pulled off the Mickey look.
Drawn-on whiskers and all.
I don't think I could have rocked that look as well as he did.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Greg, thank you so much for the great post. Really amazing the timed descriptions. I've to admit that I missed some of the details you noted. Hugs, Nereo
